3 Tips You'll Only Learn From Professional Movers

When it comes to packing up your home to move, professionals can be a big help. While you may think you know what you are doing, here are a few tips that you'll learn from using professional movers. 

Unify the Size of Your Moving Boxes When Possible

Think you can save money by using odd-shaped boxes that you've managed to collect prior to your move? This may cause a lot of problems when it comes to getting everything on the moving truck. The best way to keep things organized on the truck is to use as many boxes that are the same size. The reason why movers will use actual moving boxes is to keep things to a unified size since this can help make it much easier to stack the boxes in the truck and secure them in a way so that they do not shift around. While you do want to have a variety of sizes to keep heavy items restricted to small boxes that are easy to move, buying your moving boxes from the same provider helps ensure that everything fits together neatly. 

Label Boxes by Room Name

When it comes to labeling boxes, the best thing that you can do is label things in a clear manner based on the room that they came from. You may think it is helpful to only label a box based on its contents, but that is not going to help the movers know where the box goes at your new house. Always make sure that you put the room name on the box, and keep the room name the same across all boxes from that room. For example, don't put someone's name on the box if it belongs to their bedroom. Instead, use "bedroom 1" or "master bedroom" as a label so it is clear which room it belongs to.

Pack a Suitcase of Essentials

Chances are that you will not be unpacked on your first night after moving into your new home. It's a good idea to use your suitcases to pack essential items that you'll need for your first night in your new home. Things like bed sheets, toiletries, pajamas, and medications that you'll need right away should be easily accessible. This will save you the hassle of having to look through different boxes to find the things that you need, and likely making a big mess in the process. 

For more information about using residential movers, contact a local moving service.
